Have you ever noticed that listening to music alters the way we feel? When you need to focus, you may play music that allows you to concentrate. But on the other hand, when you need to get a great workout in, you’ll play music that amps you up! Music drives emotion. So there’s no surprise when we say that music drives our moods, emotions, and how we see things. Music can do the same with marketing! Music surrounds us, so it makes sense to utilize Music in a way to connect our audience with our marketing campaigns. To use music effectively, it is important to understand what makes music so impactful to your target audience.
It Provides Emotional Connection
Did you know that music plays a large part when it comes to remembering things? When it comes to branding, using the right music can be a huge asset to help a customer remember you. Music activates many centers across the brain, including the emotional ones. When this happens, our memory is activated, and we begin to form a perception. Through music, people can feel happy, energized, empowered, relaxed, and nostalgic, to name a few. If you can identify the right music for your ads, you can awaken the right emotions from your target audience.
It Helps Identify Your Brand
Whether you have a large or small business, you are always trying to capture your audience’s attention. Brand awareness is important, but it has also become increasingly challenging. However, the more your audience associates certain songs or music with your brand, the better they’ll remember and recognize your brand.
Using Music in Marketing
Setting the Mood- We often focus on aspects of creating an ad like the script and storyboard but fail to consider the music selection. Music selection should be considered before the editing process can begin. When you fail to include music in the beginning stages of your ad creation, the music can sound more like an add-on rather than it was meant to be. Remember, music drives emotion.
Ask yourself these questions: What specific emotions am I hoping to elicit? What do I want the audience to do after seeing the ad? How do I want them to feel? Knowing the answers to these specific questions will help guide your music selection process.
Emotional Response- It is important to not try to do too much when it comes to music and marketing. The last thing you want to do is to confuse your audience. Think “less is more,” when incorporating music. Choose a specific emotion that you want to evoke and run with it. Be clear on what you’re trying to promote and/or what action you would like your audience to take.
Remember When…- Hearing a certain song can immediately take you back to a specific place or time in your life. This happens due to how our brain processes music. Research shows that we process music by using the same part of the brain that processes memory and emotions. So basically, this means that if you can evoke the right emotions from your audience through music, the ad will be memorable to them!
Elevate Your Message- Remember when we said Storytelling is impactful when it comes to content marketing? This also rings true when you are trying to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Even without a voiceover, you can let the visuals and music tell the story for you.
Attract Attention- Music attracts attention. It should be all about your customers when you are choosing the music for your marketing. Just because something suits your own music taste, don’t assume that your audience will also love it. When it comes to music in marketing, give your audience the music styles that they already like. If you choose a song that your target group likes, it’s more likely that they will stay to listen to it.
Music and marketing should go hand in hand. Music drives emotion, so make sure you use the right music that will elicit the right response from your audience. Be intentional with your musical selection. Your goal is to set the right mood, create something memorable, and to ensure your audience remembers you.
Music and branding are a great combination for marketing success for any business. Adding the right music creates positive emotions in the minds of your customers. Music sets the tone for your customer experience, so make it a good one!